
C & L Electric Cooperative Corp. Planned Power Outage 278 E


C&L Electric will take a planned outage on Sunday, April 7th. The outage will begin at approximately 1:00 PM and is scheduled for 2 hours. This will affect members who are serviced by the Selma substation.

Selma substation service area: (See high level map above of Selma substation service area)

Hwy 278 West to Bordeaux Rd and Hwy 35 South (Enon, Cominto)
Hwy 278 East and South, including Hwy 277
Hwy 293 North including Hwy 138 East and West
Collins Lacey Rd
Four Mile Creek Rd
North Grace Rd
Sixteenth Section Rd

This outage is necessary to enhance our system reliability by connecting existing substation phases. This project creates a two-way feed, to supply power to the member area. This will increase reliability during storm events should one feed direction experience an outage.

Please note crews will work as fast as they can safely do so, however, the outage could take longer if crews encounter any unforeseen problems or have weather-related delays. We appreciate your patience as we work to upgrade our system.

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